'Sup there, I'm ZJK, and I finally made a page here. I remember coming to Newgrounds back in the 2000's and early 2010's for all them hentai dating games. Now I'm here to propagate the good word of PORN.
I've made my gimmick to draw girls from the Megaman franchise (which I'm a fan of) that aren't Roll or Tron Bonne (who get stuff 24/7 already), so if you wanna oogle the waifus you got in Rockman X DiVE, this is a good place for it!
I've also diversified on whatever else that comes around or sometimes get asked to, as well as done some commissions for friends and acquaintances. If you feel like paying me, I'm all ears.
If you don't care especifically about Megaman, feel free to come here anyways! I'm doing all sorts of stuff that I feel like doing.
I have a lot of art already uploaded in other pages, such as Pixiv and Piczel, or you can check my Twitter for dumb memes, CC questions and sketches I don't publish everywhere. I also stream with my boys at Piczel, so be on the lookout on Twitter for whenever I announce a stream (I don't have a schedule so you have to get lucky lmao).
I'll be slowly uploading all my work here, but if you're impatient, you can always check my Pixiv or Piczel gallery. At some point all of these will be up to date, so it'll come down to preference.
Just have fun with my stuff, is all I ask, and spread the good word (of porn).